3″ & 4″ Mahogany Slider Lid Dugouts & One Hitter- Slider Lid- Classy Gift for Smokers

(15 customer reviews)


  • Mahogany Wood
  • Slider Lid Design
  • 3″ & 4″ Height Available
  • Choose your own pipe
  • American Crafted by The Mill



3″ & 4″ Mahogany Slider Lid Dugouts & One Hitter- Slider Lid- Classy Gift for Smokers

Choose between a tall 4″ dugout with a slider lid or a smaller more compact 3″ model.  We have a drop down menu of one hitters to choose from. These are the real deal, handcrafted by artisans that have created many fine dugouts over 40 years.  

We ship every day using 1st class and Priority Mail

2-5 business days for delivery